Porter * Portishead * Mr. P *Porterhouse * Ports * Porter-Potty * Portentous!!

Nutmeg * Meg * Beautiful Meg * Megasus * Meggity-Meg * Megnanimous!!
Is anyone's family truly complete without a Golden Retriever? We think not!
Meg is a loving and sweet pooch in true Goldie fashion. When she is not hanging out in her good natured way, she is comitted to eating (anything-everything)-- no big surprise for a Golden girl!
Besides eating, her favorite pastimes are going for a walk in our rural Oregon paradise or dozing in the sun.
We both alway wanted a Newfoundland. What's not to love about a big teddy bear dog?
Oh right-- THE DROOL! We were fortunate to stumble upon a source for DRY MOUTH NEWFIES and we got Porter. For the most part, his drool is not too bad-- but don't get me started on the HAIR!! LOL
A more devoted and loving dog may never be found, Porter is a giant cuddle bug and would prefer to NEVER be more than 3 inches away from my hubby! Added bonus? He's CHOCOLATE!!
Sweet lil Kitty is my lap princess, purse puppy, constant companion and little darling. She sleeps on her own little pillow next to mine on our bed unless she is snuggling under the covers with me!
Recently, she has taken on a new role as a surrogate mommy to two different puppies. She adopted (her idea) Cherry Boy Valentine (Tiny) and has also fostered the littlest of Lina's six babies, Nibs. Without ever being bred or having pups of her own, she is nursing them both (and even has MILK!) Mother Nature, you ROCK!
Kitty is my Heart...
Little Merlin knows he's one of the BIG dogs around here. (at 5.5 lbs!) He is 7/8 Yorkie and and a very LARGE 1/8 Miniature Australian Shepherd. Busy boy!
Perhaps his name should have been Houdini because except for his crate he can escape from any enclosure and therefore, with belly band and his own sense of "ownership" he has free reign of the entire house and property.
He is my garden assistant and enjoys swimmimg in the orchard tree wells in the summer. He is hopelessly "in love" with Meg and well, Porter too! LOL

Kitty * Miss Kitty * Kit Kat * Auntie * Aunt Kitty * Little Girl * Sweetie * Babydoll * Kissy-face!!

Merlin * Mr. Merle * Merly * Merly-toot * Little Man * Merly,merly,merly,merly, life is but a dream!
Other beloved canines, cats and critters living with us.
We went for a long time (like 15 years!!) without the amazing presence of a dog or dogs in our home. We look back on that time and don't know how we ever did without our furry canine family members. Each day begins and ends with their doggie kisses and wags. Never again will we NOT have a pile of puppies to love. We're hooked!

Chat * Chatty Cat * Chatty Cake * Tea Cake * Mrs. Teacake * Jolly Mrs. Teacake!!!
Chat is the matron around here. She is 10 years old and going strong. Every summer she is a lean, mean hunting machine (OK, OK-- not hunting like she USED to!) but still very active and sleek and muscular. And then, each winter she morphs into a couch potato and sleeps the cold weather away on the end of our bed getting quite portly in the process...
Porter adores her and gives her a thorough licking all over each time he sees her-- and she doesn't seem to mind!

Obsidian * Obo * Obo Badeeten-dotten * Badeet * Mr. Badeet * Obot * Bobo!
Most people don't get much closer than this to Mr. Obo-- although he really is a very friendly fellow-- with his family..
Which includes us, his solicitous big furry brother Porter and his Grandma Chat-- all good for head butting!

And 60 chickens!!! But that is for another day and ANOTHER website!